Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Organizing my Recipes: Creating an Online Cookbook

I was cleaning my house last weekend for the first birthday party of my baby boy, and I found a lot of lose papers with recipes from different sources, magazines, friends, family, books, photocopies, etc.

I decided to take advantage of having a blog. I think I will organize my mess just transcribing my recipes to this blog, it is amazing how many recipes we can collect along our life. I found some magazines so old that the pages are very delicate and I have to handle them with care.

My mother have tons of magazines at home, it is a invaluable treasure. She have a collection of the magazine IDEAS and my father of Mecanica Popular (Popular Mechanic), I most say that there are nothing like this magazine from long time. People have changed as well as the magazines, the projects in those magazines were very detailed and full of projects that you can do at home, now we buy everything so nobody bother to write projects that you can make from scratch, everything now have to be fast.

I think that a blog is a wonderful and powerful way to record your experience and information. We relay in a platform that suppose to be solid to last many year to come. I mention my parent's magazine collection, because I can see how very important information is being lost in those cabinets at home. But if you put that information in a blog or website,  the information will be accessible to many people and to you anytime that you look for it.

I encourage you to get all your recipes that you have all over your house or kitchen and open a cookbook, online. It can be public or private, that is up to you. Get organize!! You can create a blog (record the articles per day and time like a magazine ) or a website that shown static content. If you are like me that know a little bit about IT matter (almost nothing) or you do not have a clue about this, I will suggest you to use http://www.blogger.com/ or http://www.wordpress.com/, they are free (very important for informal blogs), if you want a website easy to create try http://www.wix.com/, http://www.squido.com/  or googlesite. All of them are very easy to manage. I used blogger for my blog.

Chose a name for your cookbook that you feel comfortable with, and use the same name for the domain name. I made that mistake, my blog name is FOOD, DRINKS + PARTY and my domain name is http://www.mrgiftcateringservices-trinidad.com/. it could have been easier to use http://www.fooddrinksandparty.com/ , and easier to remember for people who visit  my site. I will follow my own advice or my next blog or website.

I hope to see your cookbook around, it is a lot of fun to collect photos, or make videos when you make a recipe and then see them in your own website. You will relief a lo of stress just posting your thought ... or like me getting organize and stop having all those little pieces of paper wit valuable information all about...

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