
Sunday, January 16, 2011

How to Make Home Made Baby Food

You may be wondering how come she is writing about baby food?, well I have a 10 month old baby boy and it is so much money that I have saved making may own baby food that I decided to share with you all my experience.

I am a working mom, with a very tight schedule, I have to commute every day and I reach home very tired, my husband help me a lot, but still sometimes I reach home with not energy to do anything, does it sound familiar? Well, I was ready to buy all that baby food that you can find in the supermarket, and I did, for a month, until I realized that my  budget for the family fair was not enough to support buying all that baby food, plus diaper, wet-ones, pediatrician, etc., etc., etc. Then I decided to make some changes and compromises.

I decided to compromise my time. Never the well being of my baby boy, checking the food labels on the baby food I realized that the ingredients basically were fruits and/or vegetable and water, of course some preservative... but I did not need that.

To make baby food it is very easy and you can save a lot of money and give to your baby the best fruits and vegetable that you can find in the market, here in Trinidad & Tobago a medium size pew-pew cost 16 TTD, while a small brand name baby food cost 13 TTD, you do the math.

I suggest you to purchase plastic bowls with lid with a cup capacity or less depending of the amount of food that your baby eat every time.

Here some of my own recipes, I hope you enjoy and remember, in just 1 hour stand per week you can make enough food for the entire week and have them ready in your refrigerator for less than half of the cost of buying band name baby food and your baby will be getting also more quality food.

SINGLE FRUIT DESSERT (Apple or other not citric fruit)
 - For children that star eating solids- (7 portions)

8 medium size apples
plastic or glass container (size according with portion given)
Double boiler  saucepan

1. Peel and cut the apple and put it in a double boil saucepan (follow instruction on the use of the double boiler saucepan) I do not have one, I use a metal colander inside of a larger saucepan with some water, about 1-1/2 cup of water. Cover it. See pictures Step 1.

                                                             Step 1

2. The fruit is ready when it gets soft.  Put some in the blender  and blend until it is very smooth, add water if necessary, use the water left in the  double boiler saucepan. Do not put too much water, try to get a thick consistency first, it water is needed add little by little to get the right consistency, not thick not watery. Check the picture below to have an idea about the consistence of the mix.


                  STEP 2

3. Pour the baby food in containers, let it cool then cover with the lid. Refrigerate.

 Step 3

  1. Use different size of container depending  of the size of the portion that your baby eat during the day.
  2. Use plastic containers if you will put the baby food in the freezer, and glass if you will keep it in the refrigerator.
  3. Do not add any sugar, the fruit has it own sugar.
  4. Babies shall not eat any citric fruit until they are at least one (1) year old.
  5. Do not cook bananas, mash the bananas or blend them, with a little bit of water. Serve immediately.
  6. Let cool the mix before covering and putting in the refrigerator

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